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Silversmith Website Redesign

Salt City Smithery is a company offering classes for jewelry and metalsmithing in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their silversmith website redesign aimed to present a website with products and events in an intuitive and user-friendly way. Their metalsmith company specializes in crafting exquisite silver jewelry and hosting related classes to teach students how to craft their own jewelry. The owners wanted to upgrade their website to serve as a hub for showcasing their products, promoting upcoming events, and engaging their target audience. Through thoughtful design and seamless user experience, the goal was to improve user experience by attracting and captivating users, while fostering a sense of appreciation for the art of jewelry making.


Before & After

Silversmith Website Redesign

Although graphically rich, the original website was slow and caused users to struggle to find specific information about events, leading to frustration and disengagement. The website's visual design lacked cohesion and failed to evoke the elegance and uniqueness associated with custom silversmithing. In some sections, there was poor contrast between font colors and the background making it difficult for visitors read. In addition, the owners were not allowed to update their own website, causing additional ongoing expense. The new vision took their silversmithing website redesign to a whole new level. We added video snippets demonstrating the process, made the contrast better for user experience, upgraded their gallery to highlight titled student and instructor pieces, added testimonials, and a shopping cart suitable for their one-of-a-kind products. A filter was added to the shopping cart to make it easy for customers to find their perfect product. We increased the ease of use within the website administration, so the owners could manage their own website, and not have to pay a third party to do so. We also decreased the steps necessary to add and update metalsmithing classes. Note: general craftsmanship images were used in place of before images on pages that did not exist on their previous website.

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      jewelry making by smithing
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      jewelry making - smithing
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