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Tuesday Time Saving Tips: Email Templates

4 min read

Have you ever worked all day, replying to your business emails, only to realize you haven’t achieved anything? Have you ever wondered how much time you’re wasting replying to emails when you could be earning money? Have you ever felt like throwing away your laptop instead of answering the same question for the hundredth time?

Replying to every single email you receive is a good business practice of client retention. At the same time it’s one of the most redundant, time-consuming tasks we have to perform.

Imagine saving up even 2/3 of the time you’re wasting replying to emails. And all you need is few email templates you could reuse when needed.

What should you include in the templates?

  • Greetings and phrases you use most often
  • Information about your services and prices
  • Contact information, links to your website and social media sites you frequent
  • Any and all answers to questions specific to your business that get asked the most

Consider your templates a complex FAQ section that you have saved in your “Drafts” folder that you can simply copy and paste, instead of coming up with the same response over and over again.

