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7 Reasons Why Content Creation is Important

5 min read

You keep hearing people buzzwords like  “Content is King!”,  content strategy, content marketing, and you wonder if all the hype means something.

It does.

The marketing environment is changing and those changes are being driven by consumers. Their time is valuable and if they are spending time being pitched to – you – the marketer must provide them something in return.  That ‘something in return’ can be as simple as a minute of entertainment or a great idea that benefits them. Whatever it is, it needs to hold their attention.

When people are looking for a service such as yours, they’re looking for information. Are you and your company knowledgable and trustworthy enough for them to invest their hard earned money in your services?  Consistent content can help to assure them that this is true.

You attend a party, one in which you only know the host. Typically a nerve racking experience, you find yourself in a discussion on a topic you know well.  You’re so involved in responding to a question, you don’t realize that most of the room has stopped their conversation in order to hear the passion and knowledge in your reply.  Someone visiting your web site to read  your blog post, is exactly the same… they are stopping what they are doing because they’re curious about what you have to say.  Social media posts on platforms such as twitter and facebook, are snippets of conversation that can be used to tempt viewers to learn more about you, your company or a particular topic.

Here are 7 reasons why content creation is important:

  1. Name recognition: At the very least, the click through to view your content, should provide you with another opportunity to instill name recognition so that you or your company is at their top of mind when they are in need of the types of products and services you provide.
  2. Provides your readers a benefit: Relationships work two ways.  If they are are goings to spend time on your site, reading your content, you have to provide them with something in return. Education or entertainment are the two most popular exchanges for time.
  3. Content can build relationships: When readers invest time in perusing your content the know, like, trust factor grows.  They feel like they know you, hopefully they like you and if your content is quality, they will develop trust for you and your services.
  4. Good, consistent content can be so much more than a single blog post. It can be reused as a book, an e-book, social media shares, images, videos, slideshows or infographic. How you use your content is only limited by your imagination and the ability to stretch it.
  5. Content allows you to establish, share, and strengthen your brand.
  6. Consistently good content establishes your authority on your pertinent subject: For example, if you are a real estate agent sharing information about your area, readers will begin to understand that you know those neighborhoods. If you share home care tips, they’ll realize you will be an asset when looking at potential homes.
  7. Search engine optimization: Just as this works for human visitors, it also works for the robotic variety. Good consistent, content on topics around your industry, tells the search engines that you know what you’re talking about too.  Search engines prefer quality content and are more likely to share it on their platforms.

Need assistance creating quality content for your business? CyberCletch can help.

