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Using Google Analytics 4 to Track Website Metrics

6 min read

You can track all the following metrics (and more!) using Google Analytics 4. Evaluating this data can help you decide future strategies, products, and even where there is potential for increased organic traffic.

Along with the important website metrics mentioned in our previous blog posts What are Website Analytics? How are They Used? and Essential Website Metrics for Business Growth, Google Analytics 4 provides additional valuable insights into various aspects of your online presence.

Here are six important metrics to track using Google Analytics 4 and how the data will help your business.

6 Important Metrics to Track Using Google Analytics 4:

1) Basic Performance

Google Analytics 4 tracks basic performance of your website.  List of metrics.

Monitor metrics such as the number of users, page views, and events to understand the overall performance of your website.

By analyzing these metrics, you can gain insights into the popularity of your website, identify your top-performing pages, and evaluate user engagement with events such as clicks, downloads, or form submissions.

Understanding basic performance metrics helps you assess the overall effectiveness of your website in attracting and engaging visitors.

2) Demographics

Analyze user demographics, including language, country, city, and revenue by country, to gain a deeper understanding of your audience.

This data allows you to tailor your marketing strategies, content, and campaigns to specific regions or demographics.

By knowing the characteristics of your audience, you can create personalized experiences that resonate with them, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversions.

Google Analytics 4 tracks user demographics on your website.  List of metrics.

3) User Acquisition

Google Analytics 4 tracks user acquisition on your website.  List of metrics.

Google Analytics 4 allows you to compare the performance of organic search and paid search in driving traffic to your website.

By tracking users from organic search within a specific period, you can measure the effectiveness of your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Additionally, evaluating the revenue generated by each acquisition channel helps you allocate resources wisely and optimize your marketing budget for maximum ROI.

4) Traffic Analysis

Analyzing trends and month-over-month growth in website traffic provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and overall online visibility.

By understanding traffic patterns, you can identify peak periods, seasonality, and trends that impact your website’s performance.

This knowledge enables you to make data-driven decisions, optimize your content, and identify opportunities for increased organic traffic.

Google Analytics 4 traffic analysis on your website.  List of metrics.

5) Technology

Google Analytics 4 tracks technology used on your website.  List of metrics.

Tracking device usage, browser preferences, app versions, and platforms helps you optimize the user experience across different devices and platforms.

By analyzing this data, you can ensure that your website is responsive, compatible, and optimized for the devices and browsers your audience uses.

This knowledge allows you to deliver a seamless experience and minimize any potential obstacles that may hinder user engagement.

6) Ecommerce

If you have an online store, Google Analytics provides essential metrics for monitoring your ecommerce performance.

Tracking best-selling products, revenue trends, and revenue by devices allows you to identify top-performing products and optimize your sales strategies.

By understanding which products drive the most revenue and analyzing the performance on different devices, you can make data-backed decisions to boost sales, enhance product offerings, and optimize the overall ecommerce experience.

Google Analytics 4 tracks ecommerce info on your website.  List of metrics.

By measuring and analyzing these essential website metrics and utilizing Google Analytics 4 tracking, businesses like yours can make data-driven decisions, optimize strategies, and drive success in your digital endeavors.

So, are you measuring the right metrics for business success? Take our quiz to find out and unlock the potential for growth!

Essential Website Metrics Quiz text and lightbulb graphic

To learn more about Google Analytics 4 (GA4), visit and look for a free course titled: Discover the Next Generation of Google Analytics.

