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Social Media & the Dog with Two Heads

4 min read

With so many social media experts spouting theories on the best way for your business to use this latest marketing channel, it’s difficult for a newcomer understand which path is best. There are social media naturalists who believe only a hands on approach will work and, on the other end of the spectrum, you’ll find social media moguls who suggest you can connect with millions in only a few minutes a day.

Head 1:
Follow me, and do exactly as I do to be a success using social media.

Head 2:
You lack creativity in the social media space if you just copy others.

Which head should you listen to?

First of all, take your eyes off the two headed dog. Go look in the mirror. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I adventurous enough to embrace social media and enjoy participating in the conversation?
  • Will I take the time to interact on one or more social media platforms?
  • Do I have the resources to have someone interact on behalf of my brand?

The truth is, the best social media strategy is the one that works for your company. A personal connection extends your social media reach further, but if it’s not going to happen, and you don’t have the resources to hire a social media advocate, then some form of automation may be your best friend.

People may be telling you to focus on the head, but determine which part works best for your workflow.

Find the middle ground.

Then the questions may be:

  • How much automation?
  • What do I automate?
  • Can I still be authentic?

If you need help determining the best path for you, contact us to book a simple consult.

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